90’s Child

April 12, 2014

I found a few pictures of an outfit from a few weeks go that I never got around to posting. I’m in the middle of organizing my closet in the new place so I’ve pretty much been dressing casual as soon as I get home from work, so these are very convenient!

I’m a 90’s child and I love the fashion! I got a little giddy when I discovered this acid washed, button up denim skirt while thrifting at Goodwill a while back. I couldn’t wait to wear it!

Jacket: Zac Posen for Target // Tank: Wet Seal // Skirt: Vintage // Boots: Target // Necklaces: Claire’s, JC Penny //

I had to match this skirt up with what Anthony calls my, “Michael Jackson” jacket. This jacket was love at first sight just like this skirt, I found it at a secondhand store in AZ on my first vacay. I was going all out grunge for this look, so my studded boots were an obvious shoe choice as well. Usually I wouldn’t suggest dressing head to toe in one style/era, but I felt safe with the modern details in my top and the structure of my other pieces.


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  • Amber April 12, 2014 at 11:47 pm

    Love how you styled the skirt! I agree with not always doing the head to toe look – but this just works so well girl!!

    Fashion, Floss and Lip Gloss

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