Liebster Award

July 3, 2014

A special thank you to a special lady: Amber from Fashion, Floss and Lip Gloss for her nomination of my blog for the Leibster Award. She consistently delivers great content on her blog and is extremely supportive of other bloggers {including myself!}

Here we go!

Instructions:1. Post the award on your blog. 2. Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog. 3. Write 11 random facts about yourself. 4. Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask 11 for your nominees to answer. 5. Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 1000 followers. 6. Let the nominees know you have nominated them.
11 Facts About Myself:
1. I don’t like to re-wear outfits. There are endless possibilities in fashion, I want to have fun with my closet!
2. I cannot leave the house wearing sweat pants, or without makeup. Those are pretty much equivalent in my book.
3. I believe that accessorizing is a crucial component in “getting ready.” No outfit is complete without accessories!
4. I have an obsession with sterling silver jewelry! Costume jewelry just doesn’t do it for me, though I am a sucker for anything sparkly!
5. I hate cheese. All kinds on practically all foods.
6. I have an unhealthy obsession with chihuahuas and glitter…
7. My sweet tooth is never satisfied! Chocolate, fro yo, and cupcakes are always calling my name…
8. Thrift shopping is my favorite. I could be a millionaire and I would still continue my deal hunts! You never know what you’ll find, plus the cheaper you buy = the more you can buy!
9. My addictions are not limited to just one category when it comes to my closet- I don’t discriminate! Shoes, jewelry, clothes, handbags and accessories are loved equally. There’s not one thing that I shop for more than others.
10. I was never good about keeping up with my fingernails and polish. I’ve had acrylic nails off and on but I feel more comfortable and polished with them on.
11. My best friend and I have been partners in crime for the past nine years without a single fight. She’s like a sister to me.
Here’s what Amber would like to hear from her nominees:
1. What is your day job?
I was actually just promoted! I work at Staples, I am now the Team Supervisor. I coach and mentor my team, provide customer service, and perform operational duties. 

2. What do you do for fun when not blogging?

When not blogging I spend my free time shopping of course! Well a lot of it anyway, because shopping is definitely the most fun. Outside of shopping I like to craft, snuggle on the couch watching Netflix, and play in my closet.

3. Describe yourself in 3 words.

Chic, loyal, and responsible.

4. What is your favorite social network?

My preferred social network is undoubtedly Instagram. I am kind of terrible at updating my Facebook, and Google+ never really caught on in my area. Plus I don’t have a Twitter… Frankly, I don’t understand Twitter!

5. When you were little, what did you imagine growing up to be?

I remember when growing up I would think about how I would style my hair, wear makeup, and how I would dress when I finally “grew up.” I assumed that growing up meant having the ability to do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted. I thought I was going to be a fashion designer or a personal shopper, maybe even an entrepreneur of my own boutique. 

6. Do you prefer brick-and-mortar shopping or online shopping more?

When I am shopping for a specific item, say something on my wish list, I find it easier to shop online. I can browse and compare sites and prices from the comfort of my cozy home, therefore I prefer it. When I’m browsing {for fun} I prefer hitting all of my favorite brick-and-mortar stores and perusing their clearance racks!

7. What is your no-fail go-to outfit, AKA your uniform?

My no-fail go-to outfit would have to be an oxford, statement necklace, jeans, and flats. I have so many variations of each that it’s so simple to just grab them out of my closet and throw them on!

8. Who is(are) your style icon(s)?

Audrey Hepburn is a huge influence on my style, I love vintage and she is just so chic! For a long time I admired Taylor Momsen’s edgy rocker vibe too. And then there’s Lauren Conrad who is perfectly preppy! Choosing just one icon would be nearly impossible because there are so many stylish figures and so many styles that I love.

9. What song has been stuck in your head lately?

Fancy! I cannot get it out of my head! No matter what I’m doing or thinking all I want to say is: “I’m so fancy!”
10. How did you come up with your blog’s name?
My mom was who encouraged me to start blogging. I fell into a bit of a rut and she convinced me that it would be a great creative outlet {mother is always right!} We spent days bouncing ideas off of each other- some good, some bad, some awful. Eventually mom got the idea of using my street name and an adjective, chic just worked well all around.

11. What is your favorite blog post you’ve written?

I’ve written something like 150 posts, without going back through and reading each and every one of them I can’t say that I have a favorite post off of the top of my head. You know what they say, “you are your own worst critic.” It’s true! I’ve enjoyed writing most of them, and I know that some were better than others, but I can’t pick a favorite.

I proudly nominate the following bloggers:

Jamie at
Jessica at
Caroline at
Emily at
Karissa at
Kelly at
Haley at
Ruby at
Camila at
Claire at
Emma at

These are all great blogs that I love to read! {If you have already been nominated, or do not wish to participate, don’t feel obligated!}

From you all, I would love to hear:

1. Describe your morning routine.
2. What is your Holy Grail beauty product?
3. What influenced you to start blogging?
4. When is your favorite time of year and why?
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you choose and why?
6. If you could use only one purse for the rest of your life which do you think you would choose and why?
7. What is your favorite piece of fashion advice?
8. Which post on your blog this year so far are you most proud of?
9. Who do you live with? Kids? Pets?
10. Describe your personal style in 3 words.
11. Do you see yourself continuing your blog 5 years from now?

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  • kelly a. July 3, 2014 at 9:18 pm

    Thank you so much Rachael, this means so much to me! I'll get to working on this right away! ♥
    Kelly || Amourterabl

  • Amber July 4, 2014 at 1:32 pm

    Wow, I learned so much about you! I'm with you on never wanting to repeat an outfit – I try to mix and match instead! And I NEVER leave the house in sweats or make-up free either!!!
    I don't have Twitter because I don't get it either haha!

    Thanks for sharing!!!

    Fashion, Floss and Lip Gloss

  • Unknown July 5, 2014 at 1:05 pm

    Congrats!!!! and Thank you for the nomination! I'm so fancy…hahaha I can't get that out of my head either, I wake up in the morning singing it. Accessories are super important I feel naked without earrings, bracelet, rings etc..

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