DIY: Jewel Hair Pins

December 7, 2014

I picked up this jewel bracelet on clearance at Old Navy almost 2 years ago now… I neglected to try it on before adding it to my purchase, and what do you know, it was too big! It’s been sitting in my jewelry box since. I recently came across this package of vintage pin curl clips in an old box of my things and thought it might be a fun and simple project to jazz them up. The bracelet came to mind, and how could I resist from making some festive jewel hair pins out of it?

Don’t have an old elastic jewel bracelet laying around? Use loose flat back gems from the dollar store, you could even pick up some pins while you’re there if you didn’t have some to spare. These would be a great accent to any holiday outfit, or even make a cute {inexpensive} gift!


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