10 Gift Ideas for the Home-Body

November 30, 2016
 I thought I would make your gift shopping a little easier this year with a few gift guides. Let’s be real, we don’t need anything else to stress about during the Holidays.

We all have that friend or relative that would rather stay in on a Friday night with a cup of tea (or a glass of wine)… the lady who would rather snuggle with her fur child, book in hand… or relax in a bubble bath… these gift ideas are for that home-body.

gift ideas for the cozy girl

(Some of these items are my faves/go-tos, and some are sitting in my shopping basket!)
I always like to gift something that I feel like the recipient wouldn’t buy themselves, and that was my inspiration behind some of these items. 
Victoria’s Secret pajamas are high quality and extremely comfortable, but the price tag steers me away whenever I have myself in mind (and I feel like others feel the same.) That’s exactly what makes them such a great gift though, it’s something that your girlfriend probably wouldn’t splurge on for herself so she will love receiving a pair!
Cute quirky gifts are a great idea too. they are usually something you didn’t know you wanted until you received them- like flamingo sippers! (I Die!)
What’s better than a gift that keeps on giving? A monthly subscription, like to her fave magazine, is an awesome gift that she will continue to look forward to throughout the year.

Check back for more gift guides, and if you have a tricky person in mind i would love to help you shop! Leave a comment below


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