Coast to Coast Challenge {Free Fallin}

August 9, 2013
//I’m free, free fallin’// Tom Petty
Today’s challenge was “free falling” into the nest season. In other words: transitioning your summer wardrobe into fall.
I matched up a super lightweight and flowy summer dress with some fall staples- a leather jacket and boots.
Both the dress and the fringe jacket are from Forever 21. My boho rock slice necklace is from American Eagle, and lastly I found my Boots at Kohls in the kids department. {I have small feet.}
A few stories~
A handful of years ago I was at a DECA competition where a young man made a motivational speech to the hundreds of teenage high-schoolers in attendance. Though the speech surpasses my memory, one thing that he did I remember clearly- He sang Tom Petty’s “Free Falling” to us all while he played the guitar {pretty well might I add.} Every time I hear the song I think back to that brave motivational speaker.
This jacket, this beautiful camel colored leather moto jacket decked in fringe, was a gift to me by my Aunt almost exactly one year ago. It was a birthday gift specially handpicked. Even a year later I am still in love with it!


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