{DIY} Decorative Clothing Hanger

October 5, 2013
 Today I was sprucing up an old wood hanger. I gathered up a few pages of scrap booking paper, a pair of scissors, and a tub of the oh-so-useful decoupage>>

My finger was my tool of choice, but {if you find that to be gross} you can always use a paint brush. I slathered the hanger in the goop, applied strips of the scrapbook paper, and added yet another layer of decoupage. Repeat.
Here is the finished product: golf themed with a grass background and sprinkled with golf related items and phrases. Such an easy project!

This hanger was a perfect way to showcase the vintage golf sweater that my mom thrifted for me {such a gem!}
Close ups on the adorable embroidered detail of this sweater>>


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